The world’s largest unmet disability is poor vision, and Global Vision 2020 is determined to help solve this major gap with a cost-effective way to provide eyeglasses in minutes. Their system is called the USee Vision Kit, and it includes an easy-to-use dial method to determine a person’s prescription. They also provide a kit of universal frames in various colors, and individual lenses for both eyes. This allows the glasses provider the ability to snap in the correct lenses for each eye separately to ensure accurate prescriptions in minutes! Each pair of completed glasses costs less than $5 each!

Several BackpackEMR partners are also using the USee Vision Kit for their mobile clinics, so we decided to include Global Vision 2020’s data points into BackpackEMR. Now teams can seamlessly use the USee Vision Kit, and track the prescription and glasses in BackpackEMR, along with the rest of the patient’s medical information.
Global Vision 2020’s founder, Kevin White, shared a booth with us at the Mobilizing Medical Missions (M3) Global Health Conference in Houston. I was able to try out the system, and learned all about the studies that went into proving the accuracy of such a simple tool. I was really impressed!
To learn more about the USee Vision Kit, visit Global Vision 2020‘s website, or we can also provide an introduction to the team, as well.