Couchbase, a provider of BackpackEMR’s core technology, awarded our solution Project of the Year! We are so excited to receive this award after years of refining our offline data-sharing capabilities using Couchbase’s feature set.
Haven’t heard about Couchbase? We’re about to get technical, but if you want to know more about Couchbase’s capabilities, read on!
Unlike other NoSQL databases, Couchbase provides an enterprise-class, multi-cloud to edge database that offers the robust capabilities required for business-critical applications on a highly scalable and available platform. As a distributed cloud-native database, Couchbase runs in modern dynamic environments and on any cloud, either customer-managed or fully managed as-a-service. Couchbase is built on open standards, combining the best of NoSQL with the power and familiarity of SQL, to simplify the transition from mainframe and relational databases.
Some of Couchbase’s customers include industry leaders Amadeus, American Express, Carrefour, Cisco, Comcast/Sky, Disney, eBay, LinkedIn, Marriott, Tesco, Tommy Hilfiger, United, Verizon, as well as hundreds of other household names. For more information, go to
Check out the announcement on Globe News Wire to hear more about our partnership and accomplishments together!