EMR for Rural Clinics 

Modernize your clinic without the internet/electricity 

Offline Electronic Health Records for Remote Communities

 BackpackEMR Now Includes Virtual Care 

BackpackEMR was originally created for mobile, pop-up clinics in rural villages, and has been used to provide virtual care during the height of the COVID outbreak. Now we’ve adapted our solution for physical health centers in rural communities. Rural clinics often have limited access to infrastructure, like consistent electricity and internet, so BackpackEMR has added specialty modules to help cover point-of-care for dozens of health centers across 25 countries.   

BackpackEMR Toolkit

Our products include an easily downloadable App that captures data offline, a Web Portal for access to patients through a browser, a Web Admin tool to manage your settings, and Automated Notifications for instant alerts and improved response times. Click through our products below for more details.


Web Admin Tool

Administrators can manage users, campaigns/trips, device security, and organizational metrics from within our Web Admin Tool.

Best Used For…


The Web Admin Tool helps administrators to maintain and manage the settings in the BackpackEMR App, Web Portal, and Notifications.

Patient Outcomes and Impact Measurement

Generating good metrics helps to improve patient outcomes, and is also the first step in calculating your organization’s true impact.

Top Features

Add/Remove User Access

Administrators can use our Web Admin tool to manage all user access to different pools of patients.


Add/Remove Trusted Devices

Each device running the BackpackEMR App must be approved by your administrator, along with granting access for each device to different patient pools.

Define Patient Pools (Campaigns)

You can segment patients by location, visit date, or other category. This helps for operations, filtering patients, reporting, and security.

Aggregate Data Downloads

We’ll have your clinical metrics automatically aggregated and ready for reports and analysis to improve your operations and impact.


Coming Soon! Integrated Notifications

Alert medical professionals when patient charts are ready to review.

Best Used For…

Virtual Care

When a patient chart is ready for review, local staff will assign the chart to a specific medical professional in your network or a group of your trusted physicians.

Medical reviewers get alerts when a patient chart review is requested. They’ll receive a link to log into BackpackEMR’s Web Portal to review the chart and give feedback on diagnoses and treatments.

Top Features


Single Click Access

Notification links take medical professionals directly to the patient chart or list of patients ready for review.


Secure Links

All links to patient charts require login creditials for authentication to prevent unauthorized access to patient files.

Remote Logins

Medical professionals receive secure logins to use on any device to review patient charts.


Automated Alerts

Alert notifications are sent directly to medical professionals so they can quickly and easily jump into the patient chart when needed.


BackpackEMR App

The BackpackEMR App is quick to roll out to your team with a simple app download, and less than an hour of training time needed. It captures patient data offline or online, and can share data among other devices without the internet or electricity. 

Best Used For…

Mobile "Pop-Up" Clinics

The BackpackEMR App is ideal for traveling medical teams who provide full clinics in remote areas. Our offline network means you can share data among clinic stations without access to the internet or electricity.

Small Rural Clinics

Does the internet come and go in your small clinic? Or does the electricity go down, bringing down your internet and accessibility to a server? The BackpackEMR App can keep your team working and sharing data during outages with our offline network.

Home-Based Care

During the pandemic, large gatherings like mobile clinics may not be safe in some areas, and patients are reluctant to go into clinics. Community health workers and clinicians can safely visit patients in their homes using the BackpackEMR App to view and update patient charts.

Top Features


Works Offline

Patient can’t make it into the clinic? You can retreive or enter patient data while offline, and BackpackEMR will upload the data to the cloud when you are back at home base.


Stable and Reliable

You don’t have time to worry about issues with your patient tracking or a blue screen-of-death. Our app is stable and reliable under any conditions.

Cutting-Edge Tech

Medical teams don’t need to settle for last year’s technology. We are building on the latest platforms with cutting-edge tools and coding trends.

Mobile and Portable

Our mobile app runs on tablets, and are outfitted with rugged keyboard cases.

Use In The Field - Anywhere!

No internet or electricity needed! View and update patient charts offline, and even share  your patient’s data securely among clinic station devices with a custom-built, offline network.


Fast On-Boarding

We include only the basic fields that you would want to capture and track for patient care. Everything you want. Nothing you don’t. In the biz, we call this “human-centered design”.


Secure Data Storage

Encrypted data storage and transfer, along with multiple logins, patient pool access, and device management.


NEW! Web Portal

You and your medical team can now access patient charts from any device in any location using the new Web Portal. Your organization can give login access to your trusted medical volunteers to securely review charts from their homes or offices.

In-country partners and team members can manage patient charts using the BackpackEMR App OR using the Web Portal, if they have access to the internet. This can open up extra use cases for additional local administrators or regional, trusted medical professionals.

Best Used For…

Virtual Care

Doctors can sign into our new Web Portal from anywhere in the world to review and give feedback on patient charts. This allows your medical staff to help local in-country partners to continue serving communities during travel restrictions.

Small Rural Clinics

If you have internet in your small clinic, you can manage patients using our new Web Portal. The interface is easy to use, and your team can be up and running after just an hour of training.

Top Features

Access Anywhere With Any Device

Securely log in to BackpackEMR’s Web Portal to view and update patient charts online from anywhere in the world, using any device.


Secure Data Storage

Encrypted data storage and transfer, along with multiple logins, patient pool access, and device management.

Remote Logins

Administrators manage logins to allow trusted physicians access to patients remotely.


Fast On-Boarding

We include only the basic fields that you would want to capture and track for patient care. Everything you want. Nothing you don’t. In the biz, we call this “human-centered design”.

How To Use BackpackEMR in the Field

Explore ways to use BackpackEMR for your organization in our Use Cases below.

Virtual Care

BackpackEMR connects your medical staff and volunteers to patients without access to healthcare in rural communities.

Mobile Clinics

BackpackEMR can facilitate pop-up clinic flows, provide access to histories, track followup treatments, and generate metrics.

Clinic Management

Streamline you clinic operations with BackpackEMR. Spend more valuable time with patients, providing high-quality care with an easy-to-use EMR.

BackpackEMR's Technology and Services ...

Increases the Quality of Healthcare You Provide

Empowers In-Country Partners with Patient Followup Information

Excites Your Medical Volunteers with Cool, Innovative Technology

Increases Donor Confidence with Visible Impact Metrics

But Don’t Take Our Word For It…

“BackpackEMR has allowed us to begin to build patient medical records and view demographic information. ⁠This incredible tool is simple to use, easy to pack and has allowed us to build relationships with the communities we are serving.”  – The Flourish Collective

 “BackpackEMR pays for itself with the donations we receive using the generated metrics”  – Ordinary Nurses

“In the past, managing chronic patients on mobile clinics was a guessing game. But now by using BackpackEMR, we are able to provide excellent care, now including follow-up care and historical data. By demonstrating that excellent care is our top priority, we have built more trust between us and the people we serve.”   – Mission of Hope Haiti

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